Theory Lesson 7

Theory 7 Ambiguity I&E Basics

Battle 4 – the winner is Horses since they were closer to the points. And Last week’s test all passed and no impact on evolution.

The final score will be marked in three aspects. The first one is battle and group paper(10+1points), second one is blended assignments(5 points we do not know right now), third area is personal essay(15+2 points).

Emulation criteria (personal project)

  • Correctness
  • Completeness
  • Exposition
  • Argumentation

The deadline for joint essay and the deadline for personal essay are about 15 January.

Score of battle will depend on joint-paper and the perfect paper will get 10 while those winner groups will get a plus one point.

Review content of last class.

Definition of certainty (day and night); risk (flipping a coin); uncertainty (the truth is out there and need us to find. Supermarket and only for the first time); weak ambiguity (maybe there); strong ambiguity

What we are going to do today? We are “sampling” different filed of ambiguity

Battles. Why we need battles? We are moving from convergent class mode to divergent innovation class and we need to achieve diagram changes. In traditional class, we are taking key questions and solve them during class. But what divergent class? How can I teach concepts of machine learning in a innovative way?

We change convergent case studies which are unequivocally, factuality and convict avoidance to divergent case enactment which are equivocal ambiguity, counterfactuals and controlled conflict.

The goal of battle is to make questions not to draw conclusions. We are going to explore. Why do we do battles and how does this related to I&E?

Sense-making. What is sense making (weick)? It is tends to occur when the current state of the world, or when there is no obvious way to engage the world. Basically, see what has happened in the past and guess what will happen in the next according to assumptions. Sense-making is about what to do next. It is not about the truth and the story. “The pursuit of accuracy to get it right.” How does this relate to I&E?

Introductions to the framework: First principle, first rule of method, black boxes. 

Why do we make boxes? Develop applications more conveniently. Give same examples of black boxes. Supermarkets, medicines, simple cars…

Battle 5 for 14th of November.

60 persons voted for ideology, about 25 for realpolitik. 

Why did we do this?

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