In this page you’ll be able to find some links redirecting to some videos (hosted in Google Drive – You need authentication with the University of Trento’s account) recorded during the classes about the class itself.
Monday 24.09.2018
Monday 1.10.2018
Monday 15.10.2018
Monday 22.10.2018 (First Battle) –> Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates
Complete Lecture (1080p) + 1st Battle
Monday 5.11.2018 (Second Battle) –> NFL Robots or Cyborgs
Complete Lecture (1080p) + 2nd Battle
Monday 12.11.2018
Monday 19.11.2018
Monday 26.11.2018 (Third Battle) –> Elon Musk
Complete Lecture (1080p) + 3rd Batlle
Monday 26.11.2018 (Fourth Battle) –> Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
Complete Lecture (1080p) + 4th Battle
Monday 17.12.2018
Complete Lecture (1080p) + Battle from Nice